In bygone periods of our history we believed that a person’s voice was the index of their character, and if we slip into a time before the machines made noise, before the industrial revolution, there was a predominant belief that you couldn’t trust a man or woman if his or her voice was not in harmony:

“The man that hath no music in himself,
Nor is not moved with the concord of sweet sounds,
Is fit for treasons, stratagems and spoils,
Let no such man be trusted,”

William Shakespeare

Much has changed since then, and many of us have moved far from the belief that we are here to make the world a better place but live out our lives from a narcissistic perspective. Yet the voice of love arising from Marianne could lead us to the voice of the future. This voice of change speaks passionate truth as one of the most powerful tools we humans possess, for this voice holds sparkling authenticity in the waves of its resonance. The voice of change does not hide from fear, humiliation, embarrassment, or subterfuge. The voice of change lives joyously, freely, empowering our identity into creation. The voice of change doesn’t mumble or murmur, it resonates with a force that arises from deep inside, accumulated through years of plummeting the pools of our consciousness, and expressing the conviction that lies within – the truth that is most credible, most raw, most vital, and most true about who we are, and how our soul breathes.